“’Tight chest, sweaty palms and rattling teeth.’ This is the reality of exam season for millions of teenagers as told by one typical student”



Below is an extract from Wales Online article about children and exam stress. Click here to read more.

Despite dedicating vast amounts of time to revision the stress of exams can sometimes lead to huge anxiety and even cause her heart to race.

The 18-year-old has a re-sit English exam next Friday wth her first A-level exam on June 10.

“On a day-to-day basis if I’m not studying at home and doing some work I feel guilty,” said Megan, from Cardiff.

“Whenever I’m thinking about work and exams I’ve got that constant tight feeling in my chest and knots in my stomach.

“I just constantly feel like I should be doing more. “It’s got to the point that I feel I can’t even go for a walk, or have a break, because it feels like it will be a waste of time.

Learning outdoors has been proven to improve exam results alongside helping students’ stress reduction. Click here to find out how a school turned around its GCSE results by taking learning outdoors.

Click here to find out more about how improving mental resilience can help with exam stresses.